New Artist: Becky Hobden. We are excited to announce that Becky Hobden has joined our agency.

Becky hobden art licensing photo round - image by design art licensing agency

Becky studied Typography and Graphic Communication at Reading University.

Becky hobden screen prints 3 - image by design art licensing agency
She then embarked on a successful career as a Product Manager commissioning designs for a greeting card company, and then a collectables company.
This gave her a good knowledge of the commercial art world, what was popular and what would sell.

Becky hoben screen prints 2 - image by design art licensing agency

After having children Becky wanted to get back to creating art herself.
She took the plunge, enrolling in a screen printing course and she hasn’t looked back!

Becky hoben screen prints 1 - image by design art licensing agency
The screen printing process suits Becky’s design and typography skills perfectly.
With the use of bright bold colours she creates eye catching fun designs.

Please contact us if you would like to commission Becky.

Becky link - image by design art licensing agency's screen print portfolio